Thin Film Dryers

Drying technology for demanding products

Thin film dryers are able to continuously dry pasty or slurried, crystallizing or amorphous products. As contact dryers the heat is transferred from the cylindrical heating jacket into the product, while a rotor with special wiping elements is increasing the heat and mass transfer to finally achieve the dried and fluidized solid. Due to the turbulence created, larger capacities are achievable at shorter residence times than in common drying systems. Depending on the drying task and the consistency of the product treated in the thin film dryer, vertical or horizontal arrangements are selected.

Performance features

  • Capacity: 0,1 kg/h up to several t/h
  • Operating pressure:
    1 mbar to overpressure
  • Turn down ratio: not limited
  • Heat exchange surface:
    0,04 m² -  40 m²
  • Little scaling on the heat exchange surface
  • Residue discharge: spezialised for solid, free flowing materials

Typical Applications

Continuous drying to powders such as

  • Sewage and industrial sludges
  • Glycerine recovery
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Organometallic compounds


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    Features of vertical Thin Film Dryers

    • Short residence time during the drying process
    • Low operating pressures achievable to avoid degredation
    • Continuous process
    • High heat exchange rate due to the thin and turbulent product film
    • Available scales: laboratory, pilot and industrial
    • Material of construction: stainless steel, special alloys

    Features of horizontal Thin Film Dryers

    • Vapor discharge co- & countercurrent
    • Residence time adjustable
    • Drying of inhomoguenous and sticky products possible
    • High heat exchange rate due to the thin and turbulent product film
    • Low operation pressures achievable
    • Available scales: laboratory, pilot and industrial
    • Material of construction: stainless steel, special alloys, glass for R&D units

    Are you interested in VTA Thin Film Dryers?
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    VTA − plant design at its best

    VTA delivers package units in laboratory, pilot and industrial scale. Package units are skid mounted, pre-assembled systems for wiped film
    and short path distillation, rectification and thin film drying.
    All core components, like evaporators, condensers, vessels and piping, are manufactured in modern manufacturing facilities by highly qualified
    workers either by VTA or within the STREICHER group.
    All engineering services are performed entirely inhouse at VTA. By minimizing the interfaces, a smooth project execution is ensured.

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