Experts in thermal processing

We are your partner for demanding process solutions of high-end thermal separation tasks and supply small, standardized laboratory units up to tailor-made, skid-mounted industrial size facilities. As service, we offer contract distillation and pastillation at our site. With our products and services, we are guaranteeing successful production in various industrial sectors.


How can we assist you? Contact us.

Products & Contract Manufacturing

As the fields of application for thermal process technology are almost endless, each project is unique and requires a highly customized solution. Our goal is to understand the task and to develop the right product. We offer a wide range of distillation technology with individual adaptations and specifications, to provide you with exactly the product you need to get the most out of you production.



Contract manufacturing


Applications & Industries

We serve international customers and partners in a large number of process industries with our customized equipment and systems. Our distillation plants are used for purification, concentration, removal of low boilers, color improvement, drying of products and much more.
Whether the task is to get the most out of your product, minimize residual material, or extract the maximum of the valuable section – we find the best solution for your task.

No matter how challenging your tasks are,
our experts are at your disposal for individual process solutions.

Why VTA?


Completed orders


Systems in
operation worldwide


Lab trials


contract distillations

We combine over 25 years of experience with continuous innovation.
It’s our mission to serve your needs perfectly with solutions as individual as your requirements are.

Interested? Contact us now!

Test center

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